Saturday, April 30, 2011

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Pages 162- 210

In chapter 10, The night after Black's break-in, all the students sleep in the Great Hall, while the professors search the castle for Black and find nothing. Sir Cadogan replaces the Fat Lady as the Gryffindor entrance portrait, and he spends the days making up complicated passwords and challenging students to duels. Harry enters his Defense Against the Dark Arts class to find Snape substituting, snarling at students, and scrapping Lupin's lesson plans in order to teach the class about werewolves. The weather takes a turn for the worse, and Gryffindor House approaches its first game against Hufflepuff, who has always been an unformidable opponent. ll of a sudden, Harry catches sight of a large black dog silhouetted against the bleachers; the next moment he spies the Snitch, and finally, as he pursues it on his trusty Nimbus 2000 broomstick, he looks down to see hundreds of Dementors milling around alongside the field. Harry feels intensely cold, hears the scream of his mother as Voldemort murdered her, and falls out of the sky. He wakes in the hospital wing to find that Cedric caught the Snitch, the Hufflepuffs won the game.

In chapter 11, Lupin returns to teach and excuses them from Snape's overload of werewolf homework. Hw explains to Harry that the Dementors affect him because his past is more horrible than other people's pasts, and the Dementors are creatures designed to drown humans in misery. Finally, Lupin promises to teach Harry an anti-Dementor spell after Christmas. Fred and George Weasley, who surreptitiously introduce him to a map that locates all Hogwarts' rooms, passages, and even people. It is called The Marauder's Map. Harry hides underneath overhears a c onversation that Black's role not only in killing thirteen people, a dozen innocent Muggles and a wizard named Peter Pettigrew, but also in betraying Harry's parents. Harry finds that Black was responsible for his parents' deaths.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Most interesting blog

I definately think that the most interesting blog was Piggy Back ride. He has a wide variety of funny pictures and videos. For example this picure is very entertaining. Overall the large amounts of entertaining picutres and videos really personalize the blog.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Long weekend

This was one of the better long weekends I have had in a while. My aunt, uncle, and grandma came over from Canada for the weekend. They came and we spent a good while talking about various things. After that, on Saturday my mom, dad, aunt, and uncle all went out to shop for what seemed like forever at places like Barnes and Nobles at Glenbrook. I had the house to myself and decided to be lazy and play some xbox. The next day everyone decided it was a good idea to start planning my graduation party...even though it is still a whole year away. They had to leave at noon on Sunday. My grandma is staying with us for a few months too, which should be fun.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Pages 122-161

During Potions class with Professor Snape, Malfoy sits watching other students do his cutting and mixing, while he gossips to his fellow Slytherins about his father's influence on Hagrid's job. Harry is mad, but is also puzzled by something Malfoy says about how he should want revenge on Sirius Black. Professor Lupin leads them all into an empty classroom to combat a Boggart that had lodged itself in a wardrobe. Lupin says that he wants Neville to be the first to fight the Boggart. Neville is terrified but manages quite competently to perform the "Riddikulus" spell, in which he transforms the Boggart from the shape that terrifies him most into something that makes him laugh. From this point on, defense against the dark arts becomes everybody's favorite class. Gryffindor House begins practicing Quidditch in the hope of winning the Quidditch House Cup. Halloween is near , signifying the first visit to Hogsmeade. Harry is still distraught at being unable to go, so his friends promise to bring him back lots of sweets. During the Hogsmeade visit, Professor Lupin invites Harry for tea in his office. At one point, Harry asks why he was not given the chance to fight the Boggart, and Lupin answers that he didn't want Voldemort to appear in the classroom.This is a surprise to Harry, who explains that he was more concerned about the Dementors.When the students return from Hogsmeade, Harry receives a bundle of candy from Ron and Hermione. He informs them of what he saw with Lupin. They attend the Halloween feast, and on their walk back to Gryffindor Tower, they are horrified to see that the portrait of the Fat Lady, who guards the entrance to Gryffindor, has been slashed, the Fat Lady herself missing. Peeves the Poltergeist is cackling midair during the commotion as he informs them that Sirius Black had attacked the portrait.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Pages 49-122

Harry spends the next weeks happily wandering through Diagon Alley. He finishes his homework, explores the market, and buys his school books. Harry reunites with Ron and Hermione, and while discussing their summers and coming classes, they stop by a pet store. The three friends join the Weasleys, where each of Ron's siblings is his or her usual self. They eat together, and after dinner Harry passes by the bedroom where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are in a heated argument about whether or not to tell Harry that Sirius Black escaped Azbaban with the supposed intention of finding and killing Harry. The following morning, company cars from the Ministry of Magic drive Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the Weasley family to King's Cross Station; this special treatment is unusual. They all walk through the divider between platforms nine and ten, onto platform nine-and-three-quarters, where they catch the Hogwarts Express train to school. While on their way, the train stops and all the lights go out. A tall, robed creature enters Harry's compartment, and Harry feels a painful, intense, miserable cold feeling and hears screams. He passes out. He wakes to explanations that the creature is a Dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban, and that Lupin sent it away by sending something silvery in its direction. Lupin gives chocolate to him and to the other shaken students, and soon afterwards they all arrive at Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, Dumbledore, the headmaster, announce grudgingly that the castle entrances will be guarded by Dementors as precautions against Black. At breakfast the next morning, Malfoy and his cronies are still taunting Harry about the Dementor, and Harry ignores them while he, Ron, and Hermione prepare for class. Hermione is signed up for three classes that meet at nine o'clock, but when Ron questions her, she changes the subject. The three friends troop up toward the tower where Divination meets, and after many stairs and turns, they are led to the classroom by a short and belligerent knight named Sir Cadogan. Professor Trelawney joins the Harry and Ron while they read their tea and finds a Grim, the black dog who haunts churchyards and is seen as a death-omen, in Harry's cup.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Pages 1-48

The story opens with it being Harry's 13th birthday. Harry notices an odd flapping thing coming toward his window, and he soon sees that it is three owls, The owls deliver birthday cards and gifts from Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid. From Ron, Harry receives a pocket Sneakoscope. From Hermione, he receives a Broomstick Servicing Kit From Hagrid, he receives a schoolbook entitled "The Monster Book of Monsters." Lastly, Harry receives a letter from Hogwarts requesting forms from parents allowing the students to go to the wizard village of Hogsmeade. Harry walks down to breakfast the following morning to find his cousin Dudley, his uncle Vernon, and his aunt Petunia watching a television report about a dangerous escaped convict named Black. Aunt Marge arrives, roaring praise at Dudley, sharing her tea with her dog, Ripper, and asking Harry whether he is being caned enough at his school. Harry's anger at her rude comments causes her wine glass to break, and from that point on, Harry is even more cautious. Finally, one night at dinner Aunt Marge says that Harry's parents were irresponsible enough to get themselves killed in a car crash, and Harry is so mad that he causes her to expand and float. Harry leaves the Dursleys and is not sure what to do next. He is certain that he will be expelled from Hogwarts for having practiced magic outside of school, and so he considers flying on his brookstick to London, where he could live as a wizard outcast. He then boards the Knight Bus for wizard outcasts and overhears a conversation about the escape of Sirius Black. He was a follower of Voldemort and spent 12 years in prison for killing 13 people. He gets off the bus to meet Cornelius Fudge, head of the Ministry of Magic. He will stay with Fudge until school begins.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday Response April 19

The dark and solitary enviornment of Loren Laws Heart painting portrays an image of extreme seclusion and intense separation. The most notable aspect of this photo emphasizes that the heart is locked away in its own lonely place. This is amplified by the dark gray walls and the barred window in the lower left hand corner. The heart in the image is also slowly dripping blood, claiming that the heart is injured, perhaps due to an emotional problem. The vivid detail of the pictured heart brings a realization that even the things we take for granted can become injured. We must always stop and make sure that we are thankful for what we have and that we keep what we have in the best condition possible.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Pages 282-end

Ron and Harry speculate about ways to enter Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and question her about her death. Three days before the first exam, Professor McGonagall announces that the Mandrakes are ready to be cut and used to restore the petrified victims. The boys trudge to the infirmary and find, clasped in Hermione's hand, a piece of paper that, once wrenched out, displays a paragraph of information about the basilisk. The boys dash to the staff room to show their findings to McGonagall, only to hear an announcement that another attack has occurred and teachers must report to the staff room immediately. They question Myrtle about her death, which was in fact caused by a pair of large, yellow eyes, and where Harry spies a small snake carved onto the taps on her sink. Speaking Parseltongue, Harry tells the tap to open and it does, revealing a large pipe into which Harry, Ron, and a reluctant Lockhart descend. Harry enters the snake statue-lined Chamber of Secrets and approaches an enormous stone figure of Salazar Slytherin, at whose feet lies Ginny Weasley. Harry desperately asks Tom to help him rescue Ginny and escape the Chamber of Secrets, but Tom remains where he is. He tells how Ginny found his diary and poured all of her worries about Hogwarts and her crushes on Harry into it, and how Tom wrote back, comforting her. Tom grew stronger and ultimately poured a little of his soul into Ginny, manipulating her to kill Hagrid's roosters and open the Chamber of Secrets. . Tom then begins to question Harry about Voldemort, and Harry grows suspicious and more impatient. Tom then traces the letters of his name, Tom Marvolo Riddle, into the air, and rearranges them to read "I am Lord Voldemort." Suddenly, a strange singing bird appears, and Harry soon recognizes it as Fawkes, Dumbledore's pet phoenix, carrying in his beak the school Sorting Hat. Tom hisses for the basilisk to emerge from its chamber, and Harry closes his eyes and feels Fawkes leave his shoulder. Fawkes claws out the basilisks eyes blinding it. Harry puts it on and wishes desperately for it to help him, and out of nowhere it produces a glittering sword, which Harry then slides into the mouth of the striking serpent, killing it, but getting injured by a fang in the process. Harry thrusts the basilisk tooth into the center of it, causing Tom to scream in agony and disappear. While Dumbledore is alone with Harry, he explains that Fawkes came to his aid because of the true loyalty Harry showed Dumbledore down in the Chamber.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Pages 226-282

Harry and Ron hear Filch yelling at someone, and they round the corner to see a flood of water seeping out of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. The boys step inside to look around, and they immediately spy a diary bobbing in the toilet. Harry feels a strange familiarity to the name, and so he pockets the diary. He writes his name on a page and watches it disappear, and suddenly the ink rises up again, forming the words. Riddle writes that he was in fact awarded his medal for catching the person who had opened the Chamber, and he invites Harry to visit his memory. Harry agrees, and within seconds he is blown into the pages of the diary to the headmaster's room. Here he witnesses a conversation between Riddle and the old headmaster. Harry then follows Riddle through the corridors, once running into a younger, Dumbledore who warns Riddle to head back to his dormitory. Riddle and Harry wait in the dungeons for a long time, and finally they hear and follow nearby footsteps. . Riddle explains that he must turn Hagrid in for possessing the guilty monster. Riddle pulls out his wand, casting open the box and releasing a giant, hairy spider that scuttles over him and out through the corridor. Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend endless conversations discussing Harry's journey into the diary and the possibility that Hagrid could be the culprit. The morning of the quidditch match, Harry hears the hissing, disembodied voice again, and Hermione leaps up and dashes to the library. Professor McGonagall step into the field and stop the game, instructing all students to return to their houses, and Harry and Ron to follow her to the hospital wing, where they find Hermione and a Ravenclaw petrified. The two boys decide to follow the line of spiders that Hagrid had told them to follow. Beneath the invisibility cloak, Ron and Harry set out into the forest with Fang scampering nearby. They soon spy a few solitary spiders scuttling deep into the forest, away from the paths, and so they follow them for a long time. Eventually, they hear something large moving behind the trees, and they are greatly relieved to see that it is Ron's once-flying car, the Ford Anglia. The spiders carry them into a clearing with a giant domed web, where they are met with an elderly blind spider, Aragog, who first dismisses Ron and Harry to be killed, but then speaks with them when they claim to have been sent by Hagrid. Aragog instructs his children to eat the humans and dog after he told them about the history of the chamber. For a moment Harry and Ron know that they are doomed, and then all of a sudden they hear a horn and see the Weasley's car rumbling over to them

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Pages 160-226

In the first chapter, Hermione approaches Lockhart at the end of class and asks for permission to get a book out of the restricted section of the library. They read about the painful and complicated steps to making and using Polyjuice potion, and by the end Hermione is the only one still interested in trying to make it. Their is also a quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. The game begins, and as soon as Harry is circling through the air looking for the Snitch, a Bludger streaks toward him, and continues to aim for him, even after knocked away by Fred and George. Harry grabs the snitch, falls out of the sky, and wins the game. During the night, he is visited by Dobby, who explains that he had closed up the train platform and bewitched the Bludger, both in hopes that Harry would give up and return home and away from Hogwarts. He also sees a patient enter who has been petrified. Dumbeldore claims that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Ron and Hermione have spent the morning concocting the beginning of the Polyjuice Potion. In Potions class, Harry distracts Snape by throwing a firecracker into a Slytherin cauldron, splashing potion on the faces of students, while Hermione sneaks out of the room to get Polyjuice ingredients from Snape's personal collection. In the dueling club a snake is sent after him. He quickly diverts the snakes attention. Harry is relieved, but the class is terrified, and only after class does he find out through Ron and Hermione that he spoke Parseltongue-snake language-a feat for which Salazar Slytherin himself was famous. Harry begins to question if, in fact, he really could be the heir. Soon the term ends, and on Christmas day Ron, Hermione, and Harry open their presents and plan for their Polyjuice Potion adventure later that night. Unfortunately, they don't know where the Slytherin common room is, so they wander around, accidentally asking a Ravenclaw girl, and suddenly they run into Percy, who is emerging from a side room. Malfoy is pleased with himself for obtaining a copy of the Daily Prophet, a wizard newspaper, and he shows Ron and Harry an article about Ron's father being fined for bewitching a Muggle car. He says that he wished he knew who the heir was, so that he could help him, and finally he reveals information about a hidden chamber under his family's drawing room floor, in which dark wizarding paraphernalia is kept.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12th, 2011 Tuesday Response

The unique and anomalous house of Pharell Williams Miami home exudes a feeling of amusing absurdity that Pharrell Williams enjoys. The various objects within his house range from a life size poster of Brian, the dog from Family guy, to a chair which has feet at the base of its legs. This all brings together a feeling of playfulness and easiness that we can all expect from Pharrel Williams. There is a contrast in style when an individual comes to see the styles and serene locations of his pools. These places seem as if they are in a completely different place altogether. The beautiful and marvelous house brings together a mixture of cool composure and boisterous enjoyment.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Break 2011

My Spring break was not the most exciting this year at all. We went to Canada for the first 2 days of spring break. The first day was mostly spent driving there. I was required to drive for 4 hours, the first time id ever driven so long. I almost fell asleep! Once we arrive at our cousins house, the reason we were going to Canada, we ate dinner and went to bed. The next morning we woke up late and decided to go to the mall. The Yorkdale mall was extremely large, with so many different types of companies there. In the end I found a nice pair of shoes that I bought, as well as some other shoes. Overall the experience was great.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets page Pages 104-160

In chapter 9 we find that time is going by quickly at Hogwarts. Harry is woken every morning to go practice quidditch for his team. The chapter then explains how the game is played and the objective, which I am familiar with because I have read the first book. At the practice field, Slytherin walks on to train their new seeker, Malfoy. There is a conflict as Gryffindor had reserved the field, but Slytherin would not leave. They then arrive to Hagrid's house. We find out that Hagrid was mysteriously expelled from Hogwarts and serves as gamekeeper. He is not allowed to use magic but shows Harry his pumpkins which he grows with magic. Towards the end of the chapter Harry hears a voice calling to him and asking to rip him. This alarms Harry, but no one else can hear it. In the next chapter, it is around October and Quidditch practice continues. He meets Filch who he finds out he is a wizard that is not truly magical. The story goes on about how Harry attends Headless Nick's 500th Deathday party. Later Harry is walking alone with his friends and hears a strange voice that leads him to blood scrawled on the wall. The wall read, "The chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, Beware." Norris, Filch's dead cat was also hung up. Many people soon arrive at the scene. In chapter we find that Filch accuses Harry for the mess. Dumbeldore quickly whisks Harry, Hermione, and Ron off to Lockhart's office, where they discuss the events of that night. Dumbledore quickly covers for Harry and does not punish the three children. In the History of Magic class, Hermione persuades the teacher to explain the Chamber of Secrets. We learn that the 4 founders of Hogwarts wanted to teach young wizards about magic. However Salazar Slytherin didnt want any non pureblood wizards. SO he left the school after he created a Chamber of Secrets. The Chamber is claimed to have a monster that would destroy any non purebloods. Only the heir of Salazar Slytherin can control it. Harry, Ron, and Hermione believe that Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin. They decide to make Pollyjuice potions to turn into Malfoy's friends to figure out if he is.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets page Pages 64-104

Here we find Harry still living with the Weasley's at the Burrow. The night before they leave for Hogwarts, preparations are made. The flying car is enchanted to fit everyone's luggage. They arrive at the platform for the Hogwarts train, but miss the train after the passage will not open. They decided to go ahead and use the flying car to follow the train to Hogwarts. The boys have a great time and are enjoying themselves. They then begin to get bored and the car is running out of gas. They start plummeting towards the Hogwarts Lake. They crash the car into a "Whomping Willow". This is quite a unique tree that will actually strike back if hit. Harry and Ron have to quickly gather all their supplies and run out towards Hogwarts. They arrive just in time for the sorting ceremony that all the first years have to go through. The boys get caught by Snape who is giddy to punish them. He calls Dumbeldore and McGonagall hoping for a severe punishment. He is disappointed when he finds they only receive a small detention and are still allowed to attend Hogwarts. In the next chapter we find that a huge flock of Owls arrive with packages for everyone. Ron gets a message known as a "Howler". Mrs. Weasley's voice explodes loudly in the hall, yelling at Ron for ruining the Car. They Meet Ghilderoy Lockhart. This character seems quite obsessed with himself and what he has done. The students go through their first day of classes and all the magical events they learn there. Overall the book seems to be following the story line pretty well, however particular actions such as the Whomping Willow are explained more thoroughly in the book.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets page Pages 1-64

In the first chapter we see that Harry is now living back with the Dursley's after his first term at Hogwarts. He is still treated very poorly by the Dursley's, who you thought would have recognized Harry for his wizard status. Most of the chapter just recounts the basics of Harry Potter's world, such as who the Dursleys are, what happened to Harry's parents, and who Harry is. In the second chapter we find out that on Harry's bed is a creature named Dobby. Dobby is a house elf that has come to warn Harry about Hogwarts. He claims that there is danger there and that he cannot go there at all. The Dursley's then catch Harry and his elf friend, and become very angry. Harry locks himself in his room and wakes up to find that Ron is outside his window. Ron arrives in a floating car with his Brothers Fred and George. They get Harry and his supplies out of the house and start flying to Hogwarts. They arrive at the Weasley's house to see Mrs. Weasley, who really likes Harry. Harry is then put to some tasks around the house to help the Weasley's. Harry then spends the night. Harry spends a week at The Burrow where he is cared for very well. They decide to go to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies by a method called Floo powder. It's thrown in a fireplace to create a passageway. However Harry misspeaks and enters a suspicious and old workshop. Here he sees Malfoy and watches him buy some unusual objects. Hagrid finds him and quickly takes him back to Diagon Alley where he meets up with the Weasleys.