Saturday, March 19, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone page 242-309

The end of the year is approaching and final exams are near. We learn that nothing really eventful happens during the exams and that they occur with little incident. Harry learns while talking to Hagrid that he told Voldemort that anyone would be able to get past Fluffy by playing him some music and making him go to sleep. They go to tell Dumbeldore who is away, so they realize they must take the stone tonight. They reach Fluffy only to find a harp, hinting that someone had already been there that night to pass him. Harry plays his flute and helps his friends get past Fluffy. They then fall into a moving plant which entraps everyone, but Hermione gets out and quickly uses fire to burn the plant. They then enter a room with many flying keys. They spot the correct key and then Harry uses quidditch skills to get the key and open the door. Then they enter a chess game in which they are pieces. Ron uses his expertise to win but had to sacrifice getting beaten in order to win. Hermione and Harry go to the next room to figure out the correct potion to drink. Hermione then goes back to help Ron while Harry moves on to get the Stone.

The next chapter is probably one of the most action packed sequences. Harry meets up with Voldemort and Quirrel. Harry finds out that Voldemort is a shape shifter and is using Quirrels body. His head is in the back of Quirrel's head. Harry has the stone appear in his pocket after using the mirror to find that it was the object he wanted most. Voldemort wants Harry to hand it over to him. Voldemort then tells Quirrel to grab Harry, but Quirrle's hands burn every time he touches Harry. The pain in Harry's scar is quite painful and he evetually blackens out. Dumbeldore comes just in time to save Harry from Quirrel. We find out that Harry couldn't be touched because of his mother's love. We also learned the reason he found the stone was because he was the only one to want it for what it was instead of for what it had to offer. Nicholas Flamel and Dumbeldore later destroyed the stone. Gryffindor also wins the house championship because of his efforts. Everything is well and it is time for everyone to pack up and leave.

The story here is quite accurate compared to the movie. The movie provided a great visual to use as a base for all the characters and setting. By then applying the text to the situation, it was very easy to see the situations of the story unfold. I think the combination between reading a book and then watching the movie really helps people out in their understanding of the story as a whole.

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