Friday, January 21, 2011

The Road. Pages pg. 151-165

There wasn't anything greatly important that happened within these few pages. The Child and the Father have been living in a trapdoor sanctuary for what seems to be a week. However, they know they have to move on and will not be able to stay forever. They lost their last cart and have to find a new method for carrying their valuables. They set out on an journey to find a cart, and arrive at a supermarket. Lo and behold there were 3 rusted carts in the supermarket lobby. Of course the supermarket was completely ransacked itself at this point. The Father and Child return to the trapdoor bunker and were able to fill the cart with a wide array of valuables that would last them a while.

On the journey south, the Child and the Father notice another man walking on the road. He looks quite weary and old. They follow him at first, unsure if he is part of a trap. The Child, known throughout the book as being very caring, asks his Father to share their valuable food with this stranger. They meet with him and provide him with some food which he quickly gulps down.

I am almost half way done with the book and there are still no names mentioned at all! I continue to find this extremely annoying. Also their are many images of dead people and horrendous bloody scenes. I have noticed that the child is always innocent and looks forward to assist anyone and everyone. However the Father attempts to be much more tactical and very cautious. These two characters, related, are almost complete opposites of each other. So far this distinct differentiation has worked well to express the world in which the story is set.

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