Friday, January 28, 2011

The Road pg 242-287 (End)

We last left Child and the Father after they had found a ship with a number of valuables in them. One of these values included a flare gun, which they decided to fire off in celebration. Overnight however, a grave problem arose. The child threw up in the morning. The Father put his hand on the Child's forehead and felt that he was quite hot. Luckily the Father found a first aid kit on the boat. This first aid kit had a variety of things that could help the Child. It contained aspirin and other other medicines to bring down the symptoms. The boy most likely got sick because he decided to go swimming in the cold water.

The Father and the Child continued to search the beach everyday for more goods. They found a few more goods which allowed them to eat a decent amount of food every night. However one day on their way back to camp, they say bootprints in the sand. When they arrived at the campsite they found that all their valuables were taken. Their shoes, their food, their water, and their blankets. They knew they had to do something and so quickly set out for the man by using his footsteps as a guide. They reached a road and lost the tracks. However the Child was able to spot out some sand which most likely came form the thief. They quickly followed the tracks and found the man. The father threatened the man with his gun and the man slowly backed up. They took all of their belongings back, as well as anything the man had. They took the cart and went into a small town. Here they met more trouble when a man in a window began to shoot arrows at them. The first arrow missed but the second one pierced the Fathers leg. The Father quickly shot a flare at the man who screamed in pain. The Child and the Father quickly got away to safety. He then used the first aid kit to stitch his leg back together.

The Father and the Child continued to walk on for a while, however it was becoming quite apparent that the Father does not have the capability to live. They continued to walk for what seemed to be a week before they stopped. The Father knew that he was going to die and told the Child to keep going. He said that he will always be with him. With that he passed away. The next morning there was a man that came for the boy. He said that he was sorry for his fathers passing and that the Child could trust him. The Child reluctantly agreed to go with the man, who lead him to the rest of his family. They were in the mountains which had a number of trout in the river. The boy was safe, and he had made it.

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