Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Road. Pages pg. 166-203

Since the last entry, I have read a decent amount in the book. However not too many eventful things actually occurred. I last left off with the Father and the Child meeting and helping an elderly man on the side of the road. The Father was against the idea, but the bright conscious of the Child quickly swayed him. They provided the man with some food. He was quite old, claiming to be 90. The reason I say claiming is because we later find out that he lies about many things. He doesn't trust the Child and the Father, and rightly so. He said he told people that he was 90 so that they wouldn't hurt him. However when the Father asked him if people did hurt him, he sadly still replied yes. This apocalyptic world has many of the values we hold today skewed. Everyone is only working for themselves and their self interest. The man later leaves on his own without even thanking the Child for the kindness he showed the old man.

The bulk of this section involved the Father and the Child traveling on their way South, like always. According to the map they were 50 miles off of where they thought they should be. The Father estimates it will take them two to three weeks to finally reach the coast and their goal. However a few days later they run into some deep problems. The cart their carrying has a gas tank in with with valuable gas from the bunker they had lived in. The tanks is controlled by two valves. It turns out that the Child forgot to close the second valve, leaving them without any gas only after just a few days. The gas was to last them for weeks, more than enough until they get to the South. Secondly, they are beginning to run out of supplies. They have almost no food and they have little hopes of finding any in the old rotting towns they pass.

After a few days of uneventful walking, the Father and Child reach a road. Apparently there was a great fire that was so hot that it burned the tar on the road, which later resettled. There were imprints of people's footsteps and their belongings which had been looted by scavengers. Further down the road they saw many dead bodies, all blackened by the tar. The Father and the Child continue to walk a few days. They then had a feeling that someone was watching them, following them. They quickly decided to spend the night under a bridge in an attempt to catch a glimpse of their pursuers. The Father stayed up all night just to see them, and he was successful. The group of people contained 3 men and one woman. The woman was walking awkwardly, and the Father deduced that she was pregnant. The Father also noted with his keen eye that the men had guns. They could be a potential threat and danger. Who would stop them from shooting the Father and the Child for a free meal? In the end of this section the book is starting to build more suspense. Will the Father and the Child be able to reach the South coast? Who are these 4 strangers and what will happen with them? Will the be able to work together to reach the South? There are just so many questions at the moment,and its amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog so far. Super logs, and I like reading your comments on the reading, too. Nice personal touch, also.
